Pemikiran Baqir Al-Sadr tentang Kelangkaan, Konsep Produksi dan Peran Pemerinatah

  • Roudotul Jannah STEI Al-Ishlah Cirebon


This study is to analyze Baqir Al Sadr's thoughts which are different from other Islamic Economics thoughts, how Baqir Al Sadr's thoughts in Islamic economics are about scarcity, the concept of production and the role of government. This research uses a literature study method. Books related to the title of this research are used as sources of literature. Baqir's thoughts tend to be rational and have a lot of contact with philosophy and sociology. His career as an absolute mujtahid and has basic Islamic economics, philosophy, interpretation and Hadith. With his intelligence, he is able to explore the works of classical and modern Islamic thinkers, leading him to become a contemporary thinker who has a strong footing.. it is proven that Baqir quotes a lot from the Qur'an, Hadith and the opinions of Shia imams, in response to Western thoughts. growing at that time. Although Baqir's traditional education background is responsive to global issues that are developing. Against classical economic problems, namely scarcity, Baqir refuted it with the argument of the Qur'an Al-Furqan verse 2 of Surah QS. Al-Qamar: 49 . According to Baqir, in production, it is not enough just the objective aspects which are formulated in 3 basic questions (The Three Fundamental Economic Problems) but also must be equipped with subjective aspects in the form of production motivation, evaluation of production activities and justice according to the adopted version.His thinking about multi-ownership, distribution of wealth in the form of pre-production and post-production is a concept of equitable distribution, then the government must have a role, if the government is not able to create jobs, the state must ensure the needs of its people with a minimum standard of decent living.
KeywordsProduction, Distribution, Ownership, Government, Thought


Penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pemikiran Baqir Al Sadr yang berbeda dengan pemikiran Ekonomi Islam lainnya, bagaimana Pemikiran Baqir Al Shadr dalam ekonomi islam tentang kelangkaan, konsep produksi dan peran pemerintah Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi literatur. Buku-buku yang berhubungan dengan judul penelitian ini sebagai sumbernya. Pemikiran Baqir cenderung rasional dan banyak bersentuhan dengan filsafat dan sosiologi. Kariernya sebagai mujtahid mutlak dan kecerdasannnya terhadap banyak keilmuan, serta kemampuannya menyelami karya-karya pemikir Islam klasik maupun modern menghantarkannya menjadi seorang pemikir kontemporer yang memiliki dasar pijakan yang kuat, seperti ketika menanggapi pemikiran-pemikiran barat yang berkembang saat itu Baqir banyak mengutip dari Al-Qur’an, Hadits dan pendapat-pendapat imam Syi’ah. Meskipun berlatar pendidikan tradisional, Baqir responship terhadap isu-isu global, termasuk pada konsep kelangkaan sebagai permasalahan ekonomi, Baqir menyanggahnya dengan argumentasi Al-Qur`an surat Al-Furqan ayat 2 dan Surat QS. Al-Qamar: 49 . Menurut Baqir dalam berproduksi tidak cukup hanya aspek objektif saja yang dirumuskan dalam 3 pertanyaan mendasar ( The Three Fundamental Economic Problem) tapi juga harus dilengkapi dengan aspek subjektif yang berupa motifasi berproduksi, evaluasi aktivitas produksi dan keadilan menurut versi yang dianut. Pemikiran Baqir tentang multiownership, distribusi kekayaan preproduction dan postproduction merupakan konsep distribusi yang berorientasi keadilan. Peran pemerintah di antaranya harus mampu menciptakan lapangan kerja, jika tidak maka negara harus menjamin kebutuhan dasar masyarakatnya secara layak.
Kata Kunci: Produksi, Distribusi, Kepemilikan, Pemerintah, Pemikiran


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How to Cite
JANNAH, Roudotul. Pemikiran Baqir Al-Sadr tentang Kelangkaan, Konsep Produksi dan Peran Pemerinatah. Ecopreneur : Jurnal Program Studi Ekonomi Syariah, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 2, p. 97-110, aug. 2023. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 06 nov. 2024.